Write for us

write for us

We greatly appreciate your interest in contributing to alternativeto.pro! Below are the guidelines for guest posts:

Content Quality: We’re looking for unique, well-written articles that focus on alternative technology products. Please refrain from including advertisements.

Relevance to Topic: Ensure that your post discusses topics related to alternative technology items such as computers, software, apps, and gadgets.

Length: Your post should be at least 800 words long.

Formatting: Use simple language, headings, and bullet points to make your writing easier to read.

Include appropriate attribution with high-quality, relevant photos.

To ensure the quality and relevance of your submission, our professionals will review it.

Prepare your piece and send it to [email protected] in a Word or Google Docs format.

We may make formatting and clarity changes to submitted work at our discretion. Please note that once posts are published, they cannot be republished elsewhere.

We look forward to your contributions!