Privacy Policy

See on this page your options regarding the data we collect, its usage, and its disclosure. It all comes down to our policies and how you utilize our service.

We use the information you provide to deliver and improve the Service. By using the Service as you do, you agree to the data collecting and usage procedures outlined herein. Terms not described here will have the same meaning as those in our Terms and Conditions, which are available at

Data Collecting and Use

We gather different kinds of information for different purposes in order to provide and improve our service.

Data Kinds Acquired Private Information

We may need some personally identifiable information from you when you use our Service (“Personal Data”). Personal identifiable information can take the following forms:

Numeric postal code

My name, first and last Advertisements and their workings Data Use Information

Another kind of information we might collect is how the Service is used and accessed (“Usage Data”). This Usage Data may include your computer’s Internet Protocol address (also known as its IP address), browser type and version, the pages you see on our Service, the date and time of your visit, the duration of time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers, and other diagnostic data.

Information about cookies and tracking

Cookies and other comparable tracking technologies are used by us to monitor what users are doing while using our Service.

Little text files called cookies may include an anonymous unique identifier. You may receive a “cookie” from a website, which your browser saves to your device. We also use tracking technology including beacons, tags, and scripts to collect data, analyze it, and enhance our service.

You can choose for your browser to refuse all cookies or to alert you when one is being sent. Nevertheless, if you decide against accepting cookies, you could be unable to use some aspects of our Service.

Examples of cookies include:

Data Files for Nocturne: Our Service runs on session cookies.
Specialised Cookie Collections. Preferance Cookies are used to record your preferences and settings.

Security Cookies are used by us for security purposes.

Application of Data

Among the several applications of the information gathered by are:

  • To operate the Service: To keep you informed about any changes to it.
  • Let you engage in the interactive aspects of our Service whenever you’re ready.
  • So as to provide clients with help and attention.

Could you perhaps offer any analysis or useful information so that we may improve the Service?

For the aim of monitoring the frequency of Service use.
recognizing, averting, and resolving technical issues.

Data Exchange

Particularly personally identifiable information (PII) about you may be kept and processed on servers located in a nation or territory where data protection laws are different from your own.

Even if you are not located in India, it is crucial to note that we handle and transit data, including personal data, there.

When you provide such information after having previously given your agreement to our Privacy Policy, you are approving that transfer.

Without Alternativeto having put in place suitable measures to protect your data and other personal information, no transfer of your personal data will take place to a third party or an overseas location. We will also take all reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, or destruction of your data.

Data Disclosure Legal Obligations

Alternativeto may disclose your personal information if we genuinely think it’s necessary to:

To fulfil a legal obligation

Protecting and defending the rights or property of Alternativeto
Determine and take care of any possible Service-related problems
Thus the general people and service consumers could be safe
In defense of possible legal action

Computer Security

Although we do all in our power to keep your information secure whether it is being transmitted or stored electronically, please be advised that no method is totally secure. We use best efforts to protect your Personal Data with industry-standard processes, but we are unable to guarantee its total security.

Commercial Service Providers
Businesses and individuals outside of our organization (together referred to as “Service Providers”) may assist us in managing our operations, providing our Service, managing maintenance and repairs, or gathering information on the activities of our users.

Your personal information is kept private by our outside service providers, who will only use it to complete the tasks we have given them.

Analysing data

Outside service providers may be brought in to monitor and analyze how our service is being used.

Google Analytics is one of their online analytical services; it tracks and reports on website traffic. Google uses collected data to monitor how our Service is being utilized. This data is shared by Google with its other services. Google’s own advertising network may use the data collected to contextualise and customize ads.

You may choose not to have Google Analytics access your activity on the Service by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. With this add-on, you can disable the Google Analytics JavaScript files (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) from delivering information about visitors to Google Analytics.

Sites That Link To Our Service You may leave our website and enter sites that we do not control by clicking on links on these sites. You click on their link and a website from a third party loads. Every website you visit should have its privacy policy read by you.

Any information, privacy policies, and practices of any other websites or services are totally beyond our responsibility and control.

Kids’ Privacy

Minors using our Service are referred to as “Children.”

We do all in our power to prevent the collection of personally identifiable information from anybody under the age of eighteen. If, as a parent or legal guardian, you discover that your kid has given us personal information, do contact us. If we find that any information about children was collected without the parents’ permission, we will remove it from our servers right away.

Changes to this Data Policy

Our Privacy Policy is always liable to modification. Should our Privacy Policy ever be updated, we will provide you notice by posting the updated version here.

We will update the “effective date” at the top of this Privacy Policy and notify you by email and/or by prominent notice on our Service before a change becomes operative.

Periodically check back with us to see if our Privacy Policy has been amended. Any updates we make to this page will take immediate effect.

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