Posted at 08:05h in Limo Service by DesignME We’ve all experienced the sensation known as “post-game starvation” at least once. The team finishes the final inning, you leave the stadium, and then you realize you’re really hungry. No amount of garlic fries can make up for the energy the average New Yorker expends cheering on … Read more

Everything You Need to Know About Delta 8 Gummies

Today, across the country cannabis use is on the rise. Legalization, niche products, and synthetic strains of THC are making cannabis stronger and increasingly popular. Unfortunately, these stronger strains like delta 8 can be dangerous and increase the risk of addiction. An addiction treatment program is the safest, most effective way to prevent the side … Read more

Can Unresolved Trauma Cause Anxiety?

Yes, unresolved trauma can cause anxiety — and many other negative effects on a person’s behavioral, emotional, mental, and physical health. To help manage these effects, most undergo trauma therapy treatment. When the trauma remains unresolved, there will likely be frequent triggers that a person may respond to inappropriately. They may cause an exaggerated emotional … Read more

The Difference between Physical Dependence and Addiction

Physical dependence, or addiction, happens when an individual needs one or more drugs to function in everyday life. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) used to differentiate between abuse and dependence. Experts considered abuse to be the early phase of drug use that led to physical dependence. Many people view dependency as a more severe problem … Read more

How to Stage an Intervention

With the rising drug epidemic in the United States, many families and loved ones struggling with addiction are also suffering from the consequences and pain of drug addiction. People close to those dealing with addiction disease often feel helpless and hopeless when it comes to getting help for those they care for. In these situations, … Read more